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Gemälde von Henri-Edmond Cross als Poster

Henri-Edmond Cross - Pines Along the Shore
Henri-Edmond Cross - Pines Along the Shore
Henri-Edmond Cross - The Pink Cloud
Henri-Edmond Cross - The Pink Cloud
Henri-Edmond Cross - The Beach of Saint-Clair
Henri-Edmond Cross - The Beach of Saint-Clair
Henri-Edmond Cross - Pines on the Coastline
Henri-Edmond Cross - Pines on the Coastline
Henri-Edmond Cross - The Flowered Terrace
Henri-Edmond Cross - The Flowered Terrace
Henri-Edmond Cross - Clearing in Provence
Henri-Edmond Cross - Clearing in Provence
Henri-Edmond Cross - Two Women by the Shore, Mediterranean
Henri-Edmond Cross - Two Women by the Shore, Mediterranean
Henri-Edmond Cross - Pines Along the Shore
Henri-Edmond Cross - Pines Along the Shore